Control of state constrained dynamical systems
The aim of the conference is bringing together people from several different communities, trying to foster new scientific relations. As an instance of the need of such relations, let us consider the dynamics of sweeping or, more generally, rate-independent processes. Several models using rate-independent processes –think, for example, to impulsive problems or even ordinary problems when regarded in space-time– are present in the literature. Yet the control of such problems is still at a very early stage of investigation. On the other hand, the controlled rate-independent process can be seen as a rather non-classical type of control problems with state constraints. The task of including this class of issues in a general state-constrained control setting, in our view, might be of significant interest.
The communities we intend to gather together include people who study:
- the dynamics and the control of Moreau's sweeping process or of rate independent processes;
- the control of (classical) deterministic control problems with state constraints;
- models from science and technology involving general state constraints, in particular but not only, for a sweeping process or a rate independent evolution.
Scientific and organizing committee: Giovanni Colombo, Monica Motta, Franco Rampazzo, Vincenzo Recupero
Important deadlines.
Registration: CLOSED.