11 April 2025
University of Padova, Department of Mathematics "Tullio Levi-Civita"
via Trieste 63, room TBD
The sixth edition of the Spring Colloquium on Probability and Finance will bring together researchers in stochastic analysis and mathematical finance. The program of this year will also include a special lecture by Yiling Wang (IHES), as part of the Colloquia Patavina seminar series. Attendance is open but registration is required.
Sara BIAGINI (Luiss University Rome, IT)
Delia COCULESCU (University of Zurich, CH)
Guido GAZZANI (University of Verona, IT)
Stefano PAGLIARANI (University of Bologna, IT)
Peter TANKOV (ENSAE Paris, FR)
Organisers: Giorgia Callegaro, Claudio Fontana, Tiziano Vargiolu
The Colloquium benefits of the financial support of the University of Padova.