/ Invitation letter

Invitation letter

If you need an invitation letter, please write to

mldc [at] math.unipd.it

a message with subject line either

invitation to Mini-courses 2022,


invitation to Mini-courses 2022 for visa,

depending on whether you have no need of a visa or you do need a visa

If you are asking an invitation for a person who accompanies you, please write one message per accompanying person and add

ACCOMPANYNG `name of the participant who is being accompanied'

After the comma in the subject line

Both if the message is for you or for an accompanying person and both if visa is needed or not, please include the following properly filled in LaTeX commands in the body of your message (please make it sure that the address that you indicate is the same address where you want to receive the letter)

\newcommand{\namelastname}{Firstname LASTNAME}
\newcommand{\youraddress}{Institution\\street\\town \\ zip code and
country or state}

In case you need an invitation for the visa, please include also the following commands


In both cases, we ask you to fill in the above commands with the personal data

So for example, if

Dr. John Smith
Department of Mathematics
Pitagora street 13
Fantotown 23546
North Pole

needs an invitation letter, he would write

invitation to Mini-courses 2022,

in the subject line and include the following in the body of his message

\newcommand{\namelastname}{John Smith}
\newcommand{\youraddress}{Department of Mathematics\\
Pitagora street 13\\
Fantotown 23546\\
North Pole}

and in case Dr. Smith requires a visa from June 19 to June 25, 2022,
and has Passport number 1234456, issued December 31, 2013, expiring
December 30, 2023

he would write

invitation to Mini-courses 2022 for visa,

in the subject line and would include, not only the above commands, but also the following commands in the body of his message


Instead, if Dr. John Smith requests an invitation letter for an accompanying person, he
would have to write either

invitation to Mini-courses 2022, ACCOMPANYNG Dr. John Smith


invitation to Mini-courses 2022 for visa, ACCOMPANYNG Dr. John Smith

in the subject line, and then fill in the above commands with the data of the accompanying person
in the body of his message, as explained above

IMPORTANT: doctoral students should also attach a presentation letter in headed letter
of their Director of the Doctoral school who would state that Doctoral School is recommending that
the student attends the Mini-courses 2022.