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Large scale behaviour of interacting diffusions: from stochastic control to functional inequalities

Padova, September  18 - 20, 2024 

University of Padova, Department of Mathematics "Tullio Levi-Civita"

Torre Archimede, Via Trieste 63, room 1AD100


The goal of the workshop is to discuss recent advances on the study of asymptotic properties of interacting particle systems, with a special emphasis on controlled systems. Topics of interest include but are not limited to propagation of chaos, infinite dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi equations and ergodicity. We also aim at fostering discussions on the interplay between control methods and other emerging techniques to establish functional inequalities. 



  • Luisa ANDREIS (Politecnico Milano)

  • Charles BERTUCCI (École polytechnique Paris) 

  • Michele COGHI (Trento) 

  • Andrea COSSO (Milano Statale) 

  • Samuel DAUDIN (Université Côte d'Azur)

  • Benoit DAGALLIER (Courant Institute, New York)

  • Katharina EICHINGER (École polytechnique Paris)

  • Markus FISCHER (Padova) 

  • Chiara FRANCESCHINI (Modena)

  • Richard KRAAIJ (TU Delft)

  • Mario MAURELLI (Pisa)

  • Pierre MONMARCHÉ (Sorbonne Paris) 

  • Carlo ORRIERI (Pavia) 

  • Sam POWER (Bristol)

  • Julien REYGNER (École des Ponts Paris)

  • Katharina SCHUH (TU Wien)

  • Milica TOMASEVIC (École polytechnique Paris)


Alekos Cecchin, Alberto Chiarini, Giovanni Conforti (Università di Padova), Alessandra Cipriani (University College London)

The Colloquium benefits of the financial support of the University of Padova