The schedule of the conference can be downloaded here.
Here you can find a map with the conference venue and the restaurant of the conference dinner.
Wednesday, March 9
8.30-9 Registration
9-9.15 Opening
9.15-10 Alberto Bressan (Penn State University)
Traffic flow on networks: recent results and open problems
10.05-10.50 Ke Han (Imperial College)
The Mathematical Foundation of Dynamic User Equilibria
10.55-11.25 Coffee break.
11.25-12.10 Marco Di Francesco (Università de L'Aquila)
A deterministic particle approximation for nonlinear conservation laws
12.15-13.00 Massimiliano Daniele Rosini (Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej)
Conservation laws with point constraints on the flow and their applications
13.05-14.45 Lunch buffet
14.45-15.30 Serge P. Hoogendoorn (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Pedestrian Dynamics and Networks: Theory, Modelling and Applications
15.35-16.20 Amos Maritan (Università di Padova)
Emergence of structural and dynamical properties of ecological mutualistic networks
16.25-16.55 Coffee break.
16.55-17.40 Mauro Garavello (Università di Milano Bicocca)
An optimal solution at junctions for traffic
17.45-18.30 Paola Goatin (Inria Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée)
Optimal control of networks of discretized PDEs: application to road traffic management
Thursday, March 10
9-9.45 Cyril Imbert (CNRS, ENS Paris)
Degenerate parabolic equations on networks
9.50-10.35 Axel Klar (TU Kaiserslautern)
Kinetic and related macroscopic models for chemotaxis on networks
10.40-11.10 Coffee break.
11.10-11.55 Fabio Camilli (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Parabolic models for chemotaxis on weighted networks
12-12.45 Rinaldo Colombo (Universitá di Brescia)
Control Problems in Structured Population Models
12.50-14.40 Lunch buffet
14.40-15.30 Pierangelo Marcati (GSSI, Università de L'Aquila)
Quantum hydrodynamics analysis of Quantum synchronization over quantum Networks
15.35-16.20 Andrea Tosin (Politecnico di Torino)
A Boltzmann-type kinetic approach to traffic flow on road networks
16.25-16.55 Coffee break.
16.55-17.40 Boris Andreianov (Université de Tours)
Well-posedness for some LWR models on a junction
17.45-18.30 Corrado Lattanzio (Università de L'Aquila)
Multiscale models for traffic flow dynamics
20.30 Conference dinner.
Friday, March 11
9-9.45 Pierre Degond (Imperial College)
Models of network formation
9.50-10.35 Emiliano Cristiani (IAC-CNR Roma)
Analysis and control of an (almost) intersection-free model for traffic flow on networks
10.40-11.10 Coffee break.
11.10-11.55 Emmanuel Trélat (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
Sparse control and stabilization to consensus of collective behavior models
12-12.45 Georges Bastin (Université Catholique de Louvain)
Stability and boundary feedback control of networks of conservation and balance laws
12.50-14.40 Lunch buffet
14.40-15.30 Michael Herty (RWTH Aachen University)
Control of traffic flow and supply chain networks
15.35-16.20 Martin Gugat (F.-A.-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Control on gas distribution networks
16.25-16.55 Coffee break.
16.55-17.40 Olivier Glass (Université Paris-Dauphine)
Some results on the boundary control of systems of conservation laws