UPDATED Conference Program and General Information
Map of conference sites. Note that Monday morning session (including registration) will take place at Aula Magna of "Bo Palace", Via 8 Febbraio 1848 nr 8 (for more information about Bo Palace, click here). All other sessions (including Monday afternoon sessions) will take place in "Vallisneri Building", Via Ugo Bassi, nr 58b (for a detailed map of "Vallisneri Building", click here).
Note that the University Canteen is very close to "Vallisneri Building", see http://www.esupd.gov.it/en/Pagine/Mensa.aspx?idmensa=ME_02
Note that the social dinner will take place at the restaurant ‘Agli Eremitani’, Via Porciglia 29, Padova at
20:00 on Thursday July 28. Participants are expected to go directly to the restaurant and bring the dinner voucher.
The duration of each plenary talk is 45 minutes.
The duration of each contributed talk is 25 minutes (+5 minutes for discussion).
Each room will be equipped with computer projector and with a pc (you can prepare either a pdf file or a ppt file). In addition, each room is equipped with a blackboard (or a whiteboard).
In addition to the regular Conference sessions, the program will include also the following Minisymposia:
Asymptotic Analysis: Homogenization and Thin Structures
Organizer: M. Eugenia Pérez (Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain). -
Mathematical modelling of bridges
Organizers: Elvise Berchio (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) and Alberto Ferrero (Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy). -
Wave Phenomena
Organizer: W. Dörfler (KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany). -
Wiener-Hopf Techniques and their Applications
Organizers: G. Mishuris (Aberystwyth University, UK), S.Rogosin (University of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus), M. Dubatovskaya (University of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus).
More information will be available soon.