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Seminars and mini courses

The courses of the school will be given by Eugen Hellmann, Florian Herzig, Stefano Morra, Benjamin Schraen, Sug Woo Shin.

Seminars will take place during the whole period. Invited speakers are: Fabrizio Andreatta, Konstantin Ardakov, Laurent Berger, Pascal Boyer, Ana Caraiani , Pierre Colmez , Gabriel Despinescu, Matthew Emerton,  Eugen Hellmann, Florian Herzig, Yongquan Hu, Kiran Kedlaya, Wiesława Nizioł, Sandra Rozensztajn, David Savitt, Tobias Schmidt, Peter Schneider, Benjamin Schraen, Sug Woo Shin, Gergely Zabradi.


The schedule and the detailed program of the seminars is available below, and it will be updated regularly.




Programma 1.pdf207.83 KB