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Invited speakers

Paula Balseiro (Universidade Federal Fluminense - Brasil) The failure of the Jacobi identity of nonholonomic brackets

Larry Bates (University of Calgary - Canada) Reduction without symmetry

Alexey Bolsinov (University of Loughbourogh, UK) Hamiltonisation of non-holonomic systems

Vladimir Dragovic (University of Texas at Dallas, USA) Pseudo-integrable billiards

Yuri Fedorov (Universitat Politechnica de Catalunya - Spain) TBA

Bozidar Jovanovic (Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts - Serbia) Symmetries of characteristic line bundles and  Noether theorem for non-holonomic systems

Mark Levi (Penn Statte University - USA) Gaussian curvature and gyroscopes

Franco Magri (Universita` degli Studi Milano Bicocca - Italy) The Central Equation of Mechanics

Ivan Mamaev (Udmurt State University, Russia) Invariant submanifolds of genus 5 and a Cantor staircase in the dynamics of a snakeboard

Alessia Mandini (PUC Rio de Janeiro - Brazil) Hyperpolygon spaces and parabolic Higgs bundles

David Martín de Diego (ICMAT - Spain) On the geometry of mechanical systems subject to affine nonholonomic constraints

Eva Miranda (UPC-Barcelona, FSMP - Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris) Constructing and destructing tori in singular symplectic manifolds

Montaldi, James (University of Manchester - UK) The dynamics of an axisymmetric rigid body with Veselova constraint

Maria Przybylska (University of Zielona Góra - Poland) Integrability properties of certain generalisations of Suslov problem

Dmitry Zenkov (North Caroline State University - USA) TBA

Zung Nguyen Tien (University of Toulouse - France) Hamiltonianization of integrable non-Hamiltonian systems