Soledad Aronna (FGV EMAp, Rio de Janeiro)
Necessary higher-order optimality conditions involving Lie bracket for impulsive optimal control problems
Alberto Bressan (Penn State University, USA)
On the optimal shape of tree roots and branches
Piernicola Bettiol (Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France)
Discontinuous time-dependent optimal control problems and Hamilton-Jacobi equations
Arrigo Cellina (Università di Milano Bicocca, Italy)
On the higher differentiability of solutions to some classes of variational problems
Paolo Dai Prà (Università di Padova, Italy)
Thermodynamic limit and phase transitions in non-cooperative games: some mean-field examples
Ermal Feleqi (Universitati "I. Qemali", Vlore, Albania)
A nonsmooth Rashevsky-Chow Theorem
Alessandro Fonda (Università di Trieste, Italy)
A higher dimensional Poincaré-Birkhoff theorem for Hamiltonian flows
Vlastimil Krivan (Ceske Budejovice Biology Centre, Czech Republic)
Evolutionary games with time constraints
Antonio Marigonda (Università di Verona, Italy)
New delopements in the study of control of multi-agent systems
Boris Mordukhovich (Wayne State University,Detroit, USA)
Extended Euler-Lagrange and Hamiltonian Conditions in Optimal Control of Sweeping Processes with Controlled Moving Sets
Michele Palladino (University of Oxford, UK)
On a Model for the Growth of Tree Stems and Vines
Caterina Sartori (Università di Padova, Italy)
Lack of BV bounds for impulsive control systems
Héctor J. Sussmann (Rutgers University, NJ, USA)
Sufficient conditions for approximability with the same endpoints
of trajectories of a system by trajectories arising from a dense set of controls
Richard Vinter (Imperial College, London, UK)
The Hamiltonian Inclusion in Dynamic Optimization
Peter Wolenski (Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA)
Control with Piecewise Constant Dynamics