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Speakers and participants

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Mini courses (4 hours)

G. Smirnov (Univ. Minho, Braga, Portugal) - Penalty functions for control systems with constraints: necessary conditions of optimality

R. Vinter (Imperial College, London, UK) - Control systems with path-wise state constraints




Alla A. (Venezia, Italy)

Bettiol P. (Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France) Necessary optimality conditions for sweeping processes using a particular penalization method

Brokate M. (WIAS, Berlin, Germany) - Derivatives and optimal control of the stop operator

Brogliato B. (INRIA Grenoble, France) - Euler implicit time-discretization and analysis of differential-algebraic linear complementarity  systems using passivity

Cannarsa P. (Roma 2, Italy) - Long-time behaviour of generalised gradient flows via occupational measures

Frankowska H. (Jeussie, Paris, France) - Control systems under state constraints in Wasserstein spaces

Gerdts M. (Univ. Bundeswehr, Munich, Germany) - Optimal control techniques for contact dynamics

Gidoni P. (Udine, Italy)

Gudoshnikov I. (CAS, Prague, Czech Republic) - Sweeping process in stress-based models of elastoplasticity

Haddad T., (University of Jijel, Algeria) - Integro-differential sweeping process with applications

Hermosilla C. (Univ. F. Santa Maria, Valparaiso, Chile) - Relationship between the maximum principle and dynamic programming for minimax problems

Jourani A. (Bourgogne, France) - Optimal control of implicit sweeping processes using coderivative of the metric projection

Krejci P. (Czech Technical Univ., Prague, Czech Republic) - State-dependent prox-regular sweeping processes

Marchini E., (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) - On some control problems for moving sets

Mordukhovich B. (Wayne State Univ., USA) - Discrete approximations and optimality conditions for controlled free-time sweeping processes

Motta M. (Padova, Italy) - Time delay impulsive systems in optimal control

Palladino M. (L'Aquila, Italy) - An optimal control approach to the problem of the longest self-supporting structure

Poggiolini L. (Firenze, Italy) - Singular and boundary arcs in state constrained optimal control problems

Recupero V. (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) - Prox-regular sweeping processes with bounded retraction

Scarinci T. (Univ. di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale) - Avarage control for affine systems

Soravia P. (Padova, Italy)

Thibault L. (Montpellier, France)

Vilches E. (O'Higgins, Rancagua, Chile) - Galerkin-like method for integro-differential inclusions

Wolenski P. (LSU, USA)

Zidani H. (Rouen, France)

Zoppello M. (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) - Controllability of dynamical systems with Play-type hysteresis via approximation by delayed relays



Participants: Buratto A., Marchi C., Tonon D., Grosset L., Bardi M., Cao T., Continelli E., Aliouane F., Azzam-Laouir D., Mannucci P., Caravenna L., Alsharief L., Ancona F.