September 22, Aula Magna DEI
9:10 Altafini Consensus in spite of stubbornness in opinion dynamics models: theory and application to the Paris agreement case study
10:00 Rampazzo Parking with state constraints
10:30 Bastianello Improving online optimization with control theoretical methods
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Caiaffa + Picotti MPC for Automotive Applications
12:00 Zoppello Controlling non controllable scallops
12:30 Palopoli Migration-Aware Optimized Resource Allocation in B5G Edge Networks
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Bullo Contraction Theory for Network Systems
14:50 Grammatico Generalized Nash equilibrium seeking
15:40 Coffee break
16:10 Delle Monache Control strategies for mixed autonomy traffic systems (ONLINE)
17:00 Zorzi Identification of Kronecker Networks: time and frequency domain paradigms
17:30 Talamini Controllability and initial data identification for conservation laws with space discontinuous flux
18:00 Riz Indistinguishability of the trajectories of nonholonomic vehicles subject to range measurements
18:30 End of talks
September 23, Room 1C150 Torre Archimede
9:10 Jean Stochastic optimal open-loop control and statistical linearization
10:00 Bardi Entropic gradient descent and relaxation in deep learning via stochastic control
10:30 Liang Switching stabilization of quantum stochastic master equations
11:00 Coffee break (ground floor)
11:30 Bertoni Indoor Visual-Based Localization System for Multi-Rotor UAVs
12:00 Motta High order control Lyapunov functions and new sufficient stabilizability conditions for nonlinear control systems
12:30 Ticozzi Algebraic reduction of hidden Markov models
13:00 Conference lunch (ground floor)
14:00 End of the workshop